house of the mother

new residence

Type: Residential

Location: Isabela, Puerto Rico

Year: 2019-2023

Status: Unbuilt

Design Team: Armando Rigau, Silvana Herrera & Ryan Glick

Collaborators: Consultants and others

Description: On a remote cliff where land meets water, a villa’s design fractures a four-square grid to define primary living spaces according to the surroundings. The unfolded section captures this experience as a continuous promenade of everyday life. Each vertical line demarcates a “turn” in function and type of view, from mountain setting to ocean horizon. While small, this “ideal” villa might bring together the earth, sky, mortals, and, perhaps, divinities. In gathering the fourfold as Heidegger would want, this architecture – in time – might reveal something about ourselves, others, or the mystery of that which might come after.